Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Half Acre - Big Hugs

Bought a bomber at the Half Acre facility on Lincoln Avenue in Chicago - what a great looking place. The loading door was open and it smelled divine. Looked cool too - I will be booking a tour soon.

A: Pours jet black, cola with a toasty brown head - marvelous looking beer in the glass. The head has okay staying power and there is great lacing on the glass.

S: HEAVY malt and coffee grounds with a sweet, slightly nutty smell.

T: Bitter at first, sweet, too sweet and fruity. Some coffee, but I have to be honest - way too thin and sweet fruit for a big beer like this. I really think it missed the mark.

M: Just okay - thin body with residual coffee and hop bitterness creating a decent mouth feel.

D: Eh. I would like to try it again to be certain of this review, but not at $10.99 per bomber. I drink a lot of stouts and this one missed the mark for me.

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